Diabetes Complications and How to Avoid Them

You can get more cavities and gum infections:

People with diabetes don’t have as much saliva, which can lead to dry mouth and a greater risk of cavities and gum disease, people with diabetes need to be more vigilant about brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist than a person ordinarily would be.

You can have foot problems:

Foot problems commonly plague diabetes patients, but simple routine steps can protect them.  Patients who examined their feet, kept them clean, used cream to avoid cracks in the skin cut their risk of infection and amputation by 50 percent.

Your eyesight can deteriorate:

Fluctuations in glucose levels can cause the lens of the eye to swell, which can make your vision blurry, we recommend that diabetes patients get a comprehensive eye exam every year to catch these problems as early as possible, when they are more treatable.

You feel indigestion, nauseous, or very full after meals:

Diabetes can affect function of the vagus nerve, which controls how food moves through your digestive tract, When this nerve doesn’t work properly, food takes longer to leave your stomach, which can lead to a host of uncomfortable symptoms, we  recommend eating habit tweaks such as having smaller meals or avoiding high-fat or high-fiber foods.

You can get fatty liver:

Fatty liver often has no symptoms, but causes inflammation and scarring that over time can prevent the liver from working properly. Slimming down losing even just 5 percent of body weight and reducing carb intake can dramatically improve fatty liver.

High blood sugar levels can cause head-to-toe diabetes complications. Being aware of the risks can help you avoid them